About Jorja Fox
Questions about Jorja Fox's personal life and, in broad terms, her career, including how to get in touch with her.
For more questions about her career, please read the FAQ about Jorja’s career.
Jorja Fox is an actor, producer, activist and musician.
She is most well known for her TV work, having played the recurring role of Dr. Maggie Doyle on the NBC show ER from 10/10/1996 through 01/21/1999, the guest role of Secret Service Agent Gina Toscano on NBC’s The West Wing from 02/24/2000 through 09/2000, and the regular role of Sara Sidle on CBS’s CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
She has also been seen in movies and award shows, and is an environmentalist and humanitarian who attends many outreach causes. For her other roles, see her filmography. For more about her background, read her biography.
This question arises since Jorja Fox was listed as ‘Jorjan Fox’ in her first few movies, on Missing Persons, and on her first few episodes of ER. After a few episodes, her listing changed to ‘Jorja Fox’. The confusion was compounded by the following rumor:
When [Jorja] joined the cast of ER, her name was shortened back to Jorja after a couple episodes, hence the confusion. In an interview she said that one day she woke up and wanted her name back.
The rumor is arguable, and not verifiable.
Her birth name is ‘Jorja-An’ and Jorja is a shortening. Jorjan was bastardization of Jorja-An that was done when she was on Missing Persons.
Today, both personally and professionally, she is known as ‘Jorja Fox’.
She was born July 7, 1968.
Jorja is pronounced just like the US state or the Eurasian country ‘Georgia.’
Jorja lives around the Los Angeles area in California.
Her official fan mail contact is as follows:
Studio Fan Mail
1048 Irvine Ave #624
Newport Beach, CA 92660
While there are other addresses out there, this is the most reliable.
Send a letter to the above address. We recommend including a self-addressed, stamped, envelope with your address so they can just put the photo in and drop it in the mail. If you’re outside the US, that would be a little more complicated, but it’s still your best bet.
Be aware, it may take a long time to get a reply, as all her fan mail is checked before it gets to her.
Sadly we can’t help you there. Also it’s incredibly uncomfortable to read all those personal messages, so please don’t email me thinking you’ll get to Jorja! You just sent an email to a very confused fan.
As of 2025, she no longer uses FaceBook or X/Twitter.
Jorja Fox most recently starred in the CBS drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. For more information, please check her filmography.
She was dating someone back in 2001, however as of 2003 they’d broken up. Historically Jorja has been very protective of her personal life, and we respect that.
Jorja has not publicly stated her sexuality.
No. Regardless of what you read online elsewhere and hear in rumors, she is not, and has never been, pregnant.
Jorja has no children, but she has had cats and dogs.
She had two cats and a dog (Ali (dog, female, Boxer), Rumplestiltskin (cat), and Sid Poitier (cat, male, formerly named Sid Vicious)), all of whom have passed away of old age. In 2012, she adopted a new dog: Bexar County Rodeo Princess.
Yes and no. She has smoked, and has tried to quit many times.
Jorja became a vegetarian at the age of 19, sometime around her modelling days, and discovered PETA in New York City at about the same time. Jorja told the PETA spokesperson that she took part in a few protests, and enjoyed their “confrontational” attitude. She describes herself as an aspiring vegan.
Emphatically not Republican. She’s done work with Libertarians and Democrats, but most recently she attended the 2008 Democratic National Convention and supported Barak Obama.
Jorja wore glasses in a Support SAG PSA in 2008, and in bonus material on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation DVDs, she wore glasses while re-doing lines in a recording studio. It’s likely she just needs reading lenses.
Yes. She has a flower on her left ankle (seen in the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation season five episode 4x4 and in various award show and charity photographs).
A temporary/henna tattoo was spotted on “The Early Show” for April 28, 2006. On that show, she had what looked like a stylized turtle tattoo high up on her right shoulder. This has not been seen since.
Jorja has pierced ears.
Everything. As she said in a Yahoo! Chat “Soul, rock n roll and jazz are probably my favorites.”
She watched the first season of Survivor, and she also is a fan of Lost.
While Jorja is disparaging about her musical talents, she sings and plays the guitar. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation co-star Gary Dourdan says she plays well. You can hear her sing in the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation episode “Too Tough To Die” and also in the movie Food for the Heart. Jorja also wrote and performed a song for the short movie, Traveling Companions, as well as some songs written with the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation cast and crew. She has performed her music at the several wrap parties for CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, including after seasons four and five. At various times she has had songs that she has written and played on her personal web site.
In 2005 she reportedly acquired a drum set and was learning to play, and according to an L.A. Times article, she often takes part in a ‘drum circle’ at Malibu Beach.
Yes. Jorja and fellow CSI: Crime Scene Investigation cast member Eric Szmanda were members of the “Royal Blue Balls”, which is a team in the Adult Kickball League. To stay in shape she jogs, and for personal enjoyment she plays tennis, surfs, swims, hikes, kayaks and goes camping.
Jorja has been surfing since she was little and was a self-professed ‘surfer girl’ in high school. She’s surfed in Florida and California, and during the Christmas break in 2006 she went surfing in Puerto Rico. After leaving CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Jorja mentioned wanting to surf in South America.
Once CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ended, she started surfing more often.
A Toyota Hybrid. She also has a bicycle and multiple surfboards.
Fans of LeFox is a fan run website with the goal of sharing information about actress, advocate, and humanitarian, Jorja Fox.