When an innocent man is brutally attacked and beaten to death by what looks like a monster in a black cape, the CSIs are called to investigate -- only to learn that a similar attack took place moments later.
A series of people, seemingly at random, are beaten and kicked to the point that they need serious hospitalization by an unknown cadre of assailants, wearing pig snouts as masks. One of the victims is Greg, on his way to pick up evidence. By getting hold of a cellphone of one of the gang members, the CSIs are able to lead them into a trap and arrest the gang. Only one, Cole Tritt, is an adult. The rest are teenagers, committing murder because they had nothing else to do.
Sara speaks to the second victim of the night, and also processes Greg when he becomes a victim of the beatings. She is near tears while processing Greg. She also sees the kids have no one to blame but themselves for their actions.
:(Grissom walks in as Sara is repeatedly kicking a dummy)
Grissom: Whoa! Pick on somebody your own size.
Sara: Are you volunteering?
Grissom: (long pause) No.
Greg: Sara.
Sara: I didn’t think you could see me.
Greg: I can’t. I know that ‘Sidle Scent’.
Sara: I’m … going to take that as a compliment.
Greg: You should process the scene now; me later.
Sara: (chokes up) I came here for you, Greg.
Sara: You know, it kinda sounds like you guys are blaming everyone but these kids. I mean, you don’t get a bye just because you grew up here or your parents are on drugs or–those kids were perfectly capable of telling the difference between a wild night out and beating somebody to death.
Fans of LeFox is a fan run website with the goal of sharing information about actress, advocate, and humanitarian, Jorja Fox.