Time of Your Death
A high roller who spent the night with a woman he had just met is found dead on the loading dock of the casino where he was staying. The investigation reveals that the victim won $10,000 in a pool game and was an assistant to a respected movie producer.
A well-to-do man is found dead, far from his hotel, in fancy, party clothes. He was on a scripted night of fantasy and entertainment, which included hustling people at pool, being chased in a high speed car race, and getting the beautiful girl. What was not a part of the script is his death.
The team follows the victim via hotel surveillance, discovering who he was with and where he went; a banged-up Ferarri gives them more clues. As part of his vacation, his boss set him up with a ‘fantasy fulfillment’ service, one which checks a client’s background to reveal their secret desires, then crafts a fantasy based on those desires. Normally the service is used by marketers and advertisers, to create a climate in which people will be more relaxed and more inclined to buy their products or services.
In the end, the high-roller dies because he can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality, and gets a fatal beating from the bodyguards of a rich Korean gambler.
Sara is her usual investigative self in this, trading barbs with Greg as they strip a car, and tracing cell phones via computer. There are, however, unspoken vibes in the air. At the end, when the team is putting together the final clues of the puzzle, the talk turns to fantasies – several times during this she and Grissom exchange glances, leaving us to wonder what their fantasies might be like.
Spoilers made much of the scene between Grissom, Sara and Caprice (the man running the fantasy fulfillment service), and how his insight would reveal an aspect of Grissom and Sara’s ‘relationship.’ In truth, the scene was tame and while both Grissom and Sara stole looks at each other, nothing overt was brought up. It was obvious Sara still has feelings for Grissom, and it appears Grissom may still harbor affection, but nothing is definitive.
Sara Please tell me there are something more to this guys and cars thing, besides the obvious penis extension metaphors.
Greg: So you want me to lie?
Grissom: Some guys are intimidated by beauty. Or fear rejection.
Sara: (narrows her eyes in reaction to this)
Fans of LeFox is a fan run website with the goal of sharing information about actress, advocate, and humanitarian, Jorja Fox.